“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” Keeping in mind the plangency of the above mentioned words, MSB Nasik had organized an Inter house quiz competition BRAIN BUSTER for the students primary and middle section in school Dua hall on 26th September 2022, in which the four different houses section wise respectively ,with fervent participants in each house gave a tough battle to each other in all four rounds. The aim of the competition as the name suggests was not only to test the learner's knowledge but also was to contrive their brain thus the quiz included riddles from identification of colours, shapes, cracking the code, Sudoku puzzles and crosswords for the primary section. Likewise, the secondary section was faced with general knowledge questions, activity based puzzles to fun filled pictography. The students showcased their brilliance by rapidly answering the questions and solving the riddles. It was an enriching experience for both the participants and for the viewers. Although, all the houses actively participated, interestingly from primary and the secondary section, it was the green house that bagged the first position. It was a unique way of developing the right and left hemisphere of a child's brain apart from classroom teaching for a wholesome productive output.

  • Centre:MSB Nasik
  • Date:26 Sep,2022

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